U.S. Natural Gas Expert Predicts Price Surge

Americans pay much less for natural gas than Europeans, who rely heavily on imports. However, new scenarios are emerging that might not please businesses and consumers on both sides of the Atlantic.

Europeans currently pay more than three times as much for natural gas as Americans. This disparity is because the U.S. can supply its own needs, while Europeans have to import expensive liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Adam Rozencwajg, a fund manager, has recently presented a concerning projection: natural gas prices on both sides of the Atlantic could converge over the year. This would mean U.S. natural gas prices might triple, which could also jeopardize energy security in Europe.

Rozencwajg is the CEO of Goehring & Rozencwajg, a New York-based asset management firm specializing in commodities. He oversees around 800 million euros in client funds.

Why the U.S. Natural Gas Prices Might Triple

Rozencwajg’s prediction of a potential tripling in U.S. natural gas prices is based on several key factors. Firstly, the increasing global demand for LNG, driven by Europe’s need to reduce dependence on Russian gas, is expected to put upward pressure on prices. Additionally, the ongoing energy transition and efforts to reduce carbon emissions have led to increased consumption of natural gas as a cleaner alternative to coal and oil.

The expansion of LNG export facilities in the U.S. is another critical element. As more LNG is shipped overseas to meet international demand, the domestic supply could tighten, driving prices higher. This shift could lead to a significant realignment of natural gas prices globally, bringing U.S. prices closer to the higher levels seen in Europe.

Skepticism from Other Experts

Despite Rozencwajg’s alarming forecast, not all experts agree with his assessment. Some argue that the U.S. has vast natural gas reserves and a well-developed infrastructure for production and distribution, which could help mitigate any drastic price increases. Moreover, technological advancements in extraction methods, such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, have historically kept U.S. natural gas prices relatively low and stable.

Others point to potential regulatory interventions that could cap price increases. The U.S. government might take steps to protect domestic consumers from steep price hikes, especially if inflation and energy costs become politically sensitive issues.

Impact on Businesses and Consumers

If Rozencwajg’s predictions materialize, the implications for businesses and consumers could be significant. For industries that rely heavily on natural gas, such as manufacturing and chemicals, higher energy costs could erode profit margins and lead to higher prices for end products. Consumers might face increased heating and electricity bills, adding financial strain amid other inflationary pressures.

On the European side, while higher U.S. natural gas prices might narrow the price gap, the overall energy landscape could become more volatile. Europe’s heavy reliance on LNG imports makes it vulnerable to global price swings, and any disruptions in supply could have far-reaching effects.


Adam Rozencwajg’s projection of a tripling in U.S. natural gas prices highlights the interconnected nature of global energy markets and the potential challenges ahead. While skepticism exists, the scenario underscores the importance of strategic planning and diversification in energy sources to ensure stability and security.

As the world navigates the complexities of energy transition and geopolitical tensions, businesses, policymakers, and consumers must remain vigilant and adaptive to emerging trends and risks in the natural gas market.